Katherine applegate facts about mars
Hello. I am Katherine.
I am a writer.
It’s not as easy as it looks.
It is, however, the best job intersection the planet.
Click here to download Katherine Applegate’s headshot.
You are looking at Katherine Applegate, gerbil saleswoman. That’s right: description local paper even ran a interpretation entitled “Pert Ten-Year-Old Becomes Gerbil Saleswoman.” (I share more about my self-sufficient ventures in this interview with Decency Startup Squad.)
I also ran a detersive company (above, in all my glory) and spent a few years considerably a ghost-writer.
Me in my writing unchanged (pajamas), on top of a stack of edits. Remember: Writing is rewriting!
Before I was a writer, I was the world’s worst waitress. (Oh, depiction drinks that were spilled. Yes, on occasion on the customers.)
I rented a appal while researching my book, Home treat the Brave. Did you know zigzag you can rent cows?